• Breaking News

    Wednesday, May 11, 2016

    Computer Awareness - Important notes

    1. e- governance: It is application of Information technology for effective government functioning.With the use of e-governance governments can provide speedy, responsive and transparent services to the public.

    2. ASCII : ASCII stand for American standard code for information interchange. This is standard code numbers used by computers worldwide to represent all upper and lower case letters, numbers and punctuation marks etc..

    3. ANSI stands for American National standard Institute

    4. AWC , Association for Women in Computing is a society dedicated to advancement of women in computer related fields.

    5. ASP , Active server pages is a standard for scripting server side web pages.

    6. BIOS ( Basic Input Output System is a set of programs encoded in ROM in IBM compatible computers which handle start up operations and low level control for hardware like Monitor, keyboards etc.

    7. Bit : Bit is a short form of Binary digit which capable of recording ‘on’ or ‘off’ condition in binary digit form ‘1’ or ‘0’ respectively.

    8. Bandwidth is the amount of data that can flow through a channel. If the bandwidth is higher , more amount of data can pass at one time.

    9. Cache is a memory storage area that store frequently used data readily available for access

    10. Cyber space means global pool of information held on computer networks, which are connected together by sophisticated (advanced) transmission technology that can be accessed by anyone.

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