Hello students, many of you were saying that , you are able to score good marks when taking Paper based exams( Offline exam), but facing difficulties when taking it Online mode. All bank exams and other government job exams in India were used to be conducted in Paper based exams (Offline mode). Since last 4 to 5 years Government of India has decided to conduct exams in Online mode mainly to Increase transparency in selections, and speed the process of recruitments. But many students who are taking coaching in various coaching centers will take paper based practice exams and score well . but when they go to official Online exams , fail to perform well. So here are some tips and strategies from ‘Bankexamsmaster’ to overcome these problems.
1. The main problem is when it comes to numerical ability and reasoning sections. In offline mode you can directly do the simplifications on question paper itself . But in online exam you cannot do that
2. Student also should keep in mind that ONLINE mode is advantageous when it comes to saving time in marking the answers. In paper based exams you should Fill the circles of OMR sheets for every question which is time consuming. But in online mode , a single click is enough to mark your answer. Take advantage of this.
3. Presence of Mind is very important in ONLINE exam , because if you write the given value in a question wrongly and solve the question. You will end up with wrong or irrelevant answers. So as long you are writing the exam , keep your mind in control and concentrate on questions carefully. Most of the Students Fail at this part only.
4. Solve the question and select the answer immediately. Most of the students solve all questions in a section first and write the answer on paper thinking that at the end of section they can mark all at a time . But this is a very dangerous and Wrong approach. There are high chances that you will miss the order or else fail to save the answer correctly. More over its waste of time as you have to write answers on paper and again transfer them to Online test.
5. You can solve the questions in any order from first to last or last to first or middle questions first. Generally Examiners will give Hard/tough questions at the beginning so that students spend more time in those questions. Don’t fall for that.
Instead , First browse all the questions and start solving easy questions .
6. Before going to exam , practice 10 to 15 online exams at home. You will understand how to utilize the time effectively and learn advantages of Online exams.
We hope above tips helps you to overcome difficulties and score good marks. If you have any suggestions or tips write in comments sections below or mail to us at bankexamsmaster@gmail.com or WhatsApp to 7032245077.
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