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    Tuesday, March 22, 2016

    How to solve Cloze test ? - Important suggestions and tips

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    Cloze test - Important points

    1)→Out of the five words, one word fits the blank  appropriately depending on the context of the whole passage. Which means other 4 words can also fit the blank but if the context of the passage is different. You should be able to judge more appropriate word which looks correct than others .

    2)→While filling the blank take it consideration the before and after words of the blank. Choose a word from given options and imagine whether it fits the blank in the middle of the those two words.  These two words helps you guess the tense of the sentence correctly

    3)→Meaning of the sentence should be reflected in your word selection. So that , sentence gives the correct meaning what it was intended for.

    4)→ Read the whole passage quickly, skipping blank spaces and try to understand the central theme or main idea on which the passage is written about and observe arrangement of ideas.

    5)→ There are 5 options in the answer. One may be synonym, 1 antonym, and 1 irrelevant. So you can eliminate 2 options easily.
    6)→The message which the author of the passage intends to give and meaning of it shall be kept in mind while  selecting the word. 

    7)→Smart people always tries to go for elimination in this kind of situations.  So if you think one of options is correct, then keep it a side and see eliminate remaining 4  options  by reasoning yourself why they are not correct.
          8)→In clerical level exams , examiner concentrates mostly on TENSES of the words. So making yourself perfect in knowing the ‘ tenses’   will get you 90 % correct answers.  Where as at PO level  Synonyms, mostly related words are given to put you in confusion.  Here you will have to choose most correct options from almost correct option.

    9) A strong grip on vocabulary and knowing how to use language are the key factors for solving Cloze test 

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