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    Friday, March 18, 2016

    Coding- Decoding - Concept with Examples

    → Coding is a method of transmitting data/message between sender and receiver. The coded message can be decoded by the receiver as he knows the rule or method by which the message has been coded. 

    → "coding-decoding" judges your ability to find out the rule of coding so that you can either encode or decode another word or letters in similar fashion by applying rule/method

    → Keep in mind that  a word or message can be coded  in a variety of ways. Each question will have particular rule in coding. Therefore we cannot write down rules for all this type of questions. We will discuss below various type of problems  which were asked in previous year bank exams and simultaneously learn how to solve them .

    10 Types of  coding -Decoding problems

    Type 1 → Example:   In a certain code FINISHED is written as NIFHSIDE . How is HOMELESS written in that code ?
    a)      ELEMOHSSE
    b)      MOHELEESS
    c)       MOHELESSE
    d)      SSELEMOH

    ANSWER: c
    Explanation: In given word, word is divided into three parts like FIN+ISH+ED, then these parts are written in reverse order as NIF+HSI+DE.  Similarly HOMELESS is written as MOH+ELE+SSE

     Type 2 → Example: In a certain code COUNSEL is written as BITIRAK , how is GUIDANCE written in that code ?
    a)      EOHYZJBB
    b)      FOHYZJBB
    c)       FOIYZJBB
    d)      None of above

    Answer: b
    Explanation: The letters at odd positions are each moved one step backward, while the letters at even positions are respectively moved six, five, four, three, two,... steps backward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.

    Type 3 → Example : In a certain code FRIEND is coded as HUMJTK . How is CANDLE written in that code ?
    a)      FYOBOC
    b)      EDRIRL
    c)       DCQHQK
    d)      DEQJQM

    Answer :b
    The first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth letters of the word are respectively moved two, three, four, five, six and seven steps forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.

    Type 4 → Example:   In a certain code SUMMER is written as TWPQJX . How is TEN written in that code ?
    a)      UFQ
    b)      UGQ
    c)       SGQ
    d)      SFQ

    ANSWER: b
    Explanation:  first letter is increased by 1, second by 2, third by 3 and so on.

    Type 5 → Example: In a certain code MOBILE is written as IKXEHA . How is EXAM written in that code ?
    a)      AWIT
    b)      WTXL
    c)       ALET
    d)      ATWI

    Explanation: Each letter of the word is moved four steps back to decode it

    Type 6 →Example:   In a certain code REASONING  is written as TCCQQLKLI . How is APTITUDE Written in that code ?
    a)      YNVGVSFC
    b)      YNVGVSFB
    c)       CNVGVSFC
    d)      YNVGVFSB

    Explanation: Letters in Odd positions are coded with 2nd next letter in alphabet series and letters at Even positions are coded with 2nd previous letter in alphabet series. 

    Type 7 → Example:  In a certain code TELANGANA is written as UFMBOHBOB . How is  GUJARAT written in that code ?
    a)      HVKBSBS
    b)      HVKBSBU
    c)       FVKBSBU
    d)      BSBUKFV

    Explanation: Every letter is coded with next letter in the alphabet series. 

       Type 8→ Example:  In  a certain code BASKETS is written as ASAEKST .  How is BOTTLES written in that code ?
    a)      ATOLTSE
    b)      ATTSOEL
    c)       ATTLESB
    d)      BTLESOB

    Answer : A
    First letter of the word is  coded with Previous letter in alphabet series. Remaining letters of the word interchange position in in two letter sets. 

    Type 9 → Example:    In a certain code NAMASTHE  is written as  BMBLURFG . How is COMPUTER written in that code ?
    a)      BMBFGURD
    b)      PBMBGHRP
    c)       PBQLUTSD
    d)      PBLQTSDU

    Answer: C
    Explanation: Letters in Odd positions are coded with previous letter in alphabet series and letters at even positions are coded with next letter in alphabet series.And also Odd and Even positions are exchanged 

    Type 10Example:   In a certain code GLAMOUR  is written as BMHLQTN . How is ROMANCE written in that code ?
    a)      NPSDBBM
    b)      NPSZDBM
    c)       NSPMBDB
    d)      MBDBSPN

    Answer : B
     The coding rule used here was 3rd letter of Given word which is A next letter which is B comes as first letter after coding. 2nd letter of the given word which is  L  next letter which is M comes as 2nd letter after coding. 1st letter of the given  word which is G next letter H comes as 3rd letter. Look below to understand pattern clearly . 
    Similarly ROMANCE becomes NPSZDBM  

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